Sick Notes and Letters
Sick notes
For a first or repeat sick note you can either:
Submit a request through our online consultation service Sick note - Online Consultation
Call the practice on 01642 483638
When is a sick note required?
If you are off work sick for seven days or less, your employer should not ask you for a doctor's certificate. You will need a medical certificate if you are off work sick for than seven days. The seven days include days that you don't normally work. So when you work out how long you've been off sick, you should include weekends and bank holidays.
Self Certification Forms
Your employer can ask you to confirm that you've been ill. You can do this by filling in a form yourself when you return to work. This is called self-certification.
Many employers have their own self-certification forms. If your employer doesn't have their own form, instead they may use an SC2 form from HM Revenue & Customs Employee's Statement of Sickness.
Coatham Surgery can provide private letters. This is non NHS work and you will be charged a fee for private letters, please contact the practice to find out more information. As these letters are not NHS work they can not be asked for urgently as NHS work is our priority.
Please speak to our reception team for more info.
Subject Access Request (SAR)
You will need to complete a form detailing why you require the records and what records you require. You will not be charged for a Subject Access Request (SAR) as long as the numbers of your requests are reasonable. Records are sent electronically to your email address so please keeps these records secure to avoid future unnecessary SARs. You will need to provide ID in person when requesting this information.