Routine Appointments
Bookable appointments at Coatham Surgery are available Monday to Friday. Our Doctors and Nurses consult with patients by telephone, videocall, and face-to-face (at the surgery and home visits).
Routine care can also be accessed by calling us on 01642 483638 or submitting as eConsult. eConsults should only be used for non urgent problems where you do not need to be seen face to face.
Urgent Appointments
Please call the practice when we open at 8am on 01642 483638
Cancel an appointment
Please call the practice on 01642 483638 to cancel your appointment.
Home visits
If you require a home visit, contact our reception staff to book an appointment. Please call before 10.00am on 01642 483638 so that you can be seen as quickly as possible after morning surgery ends.
Please consider that home visits are for those patients who genuinely cannot leave their homes for medical reasons, we therefore ask that all other patients try to attend the surgery rather than request a home visit. This is because of the additional time it takes to complete home visits. On average 4 patients can be seen at the surgery in the time it takes to do one home visit.